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Only you can cancel your account. (But first, read this entire post)

To cancel, follow these steps:

Log in to your program > Menu > Settings > Account > Subscription > Freeze/Cancel


  • There are absolutely no pro-ratings, refunds (partial or full). Canceling is a forward action only.
  • Canceling does NOT delete your account or records (for a 6-month grace period), but does stop ALL payments and restricts all program access, after the expiration of your last payment expiration. This is for your safety.
  • An account can be reactivated on your own, by logging back into your account and “Reactivating” your subscription. This will instantly charge the 1st recurring $89 monthly fee with a one-time (additional) reactivation fee of $59.
  • WARNING! Are you sure you want to cancel? You will lose all access to your program, send-records, attachments, etc. Please consider carefully. We cannot guarantee your account can be reactivated as it currently is. Cancelling should only be considered if you’re confident you don’t plan to use ChiroSimple in the future. Alternatively, consider Freezing your account instead.
  • If you’re sure you want to cancel, and need all your records, please reach out to us so we can help. (Yes, we’ll get those to you!)
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