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Getting Started as a New User

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Getting started with the new ChiroSimple is easy:


Getting started with ChiroSimple is quick and easy!

We recommend you watch the 17-minute tutorial video, which you can access from your menu when logged into your program.

Menu > Additional Resources > Tutorial Videos


We strongly recommend that all users opt for the APP version (Offline Mode, as we call it) for the best user experience, even if you have a strong internet connection at all times.

  1. From the main menu, click CONTACTS and add your first Contact by clicking the blue + icon (top right corner).
  2. Click the Type icon to choose the kind of Contact you want to add (owner, barn, clinic, etc)
  3. SAVE your new Contact.
  4. Now, add a new Animal for that Contact. Click the + NEW ANIMAL
  5. SAVE your new animal.
  6. Create your first note by clicking + NEW NOTE.
  7. You can SAVE your note as a DRAFT (orange) if you’re not done with it, or toggle the switch to FINALIZE (blue) when you are.



Helpful Hints:

  • While creating your note, you can PREVIEW the final output by clicking the “FLIP” icon (top right).
  • To see your final note, click the PDF icon from the “shortened” birds-eye view.
  • Tap a date on the calendar (that has either Drafts of Finalized notes) to see all the notes for that day. (You can also access this from the menu > Additional Resources > Notes Ledger)


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